Meditation on Proverbs 3

Wisdom is greater than riches. True heavenly wisdom, that is. Not the wisdom of the world – not man’s wisdom. We must trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. We fully embrace God and fully shun self.

It is those who are great in heavenly wisdom who are truly great – not those with great wealth, fame, or power. This heavenly wisdom is mostly invisible to outside observers. Perhaps a glimpse of it can be seen in a man’s unusually good nature or peacefulness, in self-control and speech absent of cursing. This wisdom is wrapped in steadfast love and faithfulness. But the world greatly esteems and prefers wealth and worldly wisdom – and looks down on those who seek the Lord at such great expense.

I pray my sons find true success in life (success for both this life and the next). That they attain heavenly wisdom even if it costs them everything else. I would rather them be impoverished saints than esteemed atheists.

Proverbs 3:16 speaks of wisdom, showing her with long life in her right hand and riches and honor in her left. These gifts may be for this present world, but they surely point to the life to come, where we shall dwell forever with our Lord and Savior and King, sharing in the magnificent riches and honor of His Kingdom – ruling and reigning with Christ.

I must remember to meditate on these things.

Heavenly meditation isn’t the same as worldly meditation. It isn’t focusing on our breath but focusing on His. It isn’t staring at particles floating in the sun but keeping our eyes fixated on the Son.

Return to the Breath of Life. Return to His Word and teachings and His character. Return to the person of Christ and the life He lived, the death He died, and the triumphant resurrection that awaits all those who trust in Him.

In 2025, I want to make this one thing my daily practice: to return my thoughts and my heart to Him all the day long. To submit my will to His. To accept all good and evil as lovingkindness from Him. If He’s a good Father, then both His correction and His gifts are good – both the darkness and hardship of life, both lightness and ease.

This is true peace.